01 Feb 2016 (nutrition insight). Study found that breast cancer risk was 12% to 19% lower among women who ate more dietary fiber in early adulthood. High intake of fiber during adolescece was associated with 16% to 24% lower risk of breast cancer. Read more »
03 Sep 2015 (G.S. Aljuraiban e.a.: Total, insoluble and soluble dietary fibre intake in relation to blood pressure: the INTERMAP Study. » British Journal of Nutrition, doi:10.1017/S0007114515003098
see WHITE*STAR advanced oat fibres / AOF Hafer-Ballaststoffe
15 Jul 2015 (nutrition insight). Daily fiber intake is essential for good health, helping to control cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, insulin and excess weight. Added fiber, like fiber-fortified bread, cereals, yogurt and pasta increase the chances of achieving the health benefits of a high-fiber diet. Read »
04 Jun 2015 (food navigator-usa.com). As a
superfood, teff's sales potential is outpacing quinoa. The ancient grain boasts 50% more protein, 25% more calcium and five times more fiber than brown rice.
Read more about this appealing ancient grain »
31 Mar 2015 Dietary fibres have specific and unique impacts on intestinal microbiota composition and metabolism.
(T. Huang e.a.: BMC Medicine 2015, 13.59 - doi:10.1186/s12916-015-0294-7) ..Study »
20 Oct 2014 (bakery and snacks.com). FDA allows a health claim on reduced risk of heart disease, while EFSA has published a positive health claim (article 14) on the cause and effect of oat beta-glucan lowering cholesterol. A 13.1 article claim was approved related to maintenance of normal blood LDL-cholesterol concentrations. Read on »
20 Oct 2014 (nutrition insight). Lowering cholesterol to reduce cardiovascular risk is an accepted lifestyle modification recommended by European and US guidelines. Health claims regarding the association between cholesterol lowering and soluble fiber from at least 3g per day oat beta-glucan have been approved by food agencies worldwide, including EFSA and FDA. Read abstract »
15 May 2014 (food navigator.com) »
15 May 2014 (bakery and snacks.com). Read.. »
30 Apr 2014 (nutrition insight). Heart-attack survivors live for a further nine years if they follow a high-fibre diet. Read more »
20 Jan 2014 (NutritionHorizon). Research »
17 Jan 2014 (Food Ingredients 1st). Bacteria in the colon thrive on fiber and its digestion produces butyrate (SFCA), which prompts immune cells to suppress inflammation, a factor in a number of painful conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and colorectal cancer. More »
07 Jan 2014 (NutritionHorizon). Fiber is fermented in the intestine into short-chain fatty acids (SFCA). These acids then enter the bloodstream and influence the development of immune cells in then bone marrow which the wander into the lungs and trigger a weaker allergic response. Read summary »
20 Dec 2013 (EurekAlert!). Many studies have examined the relation between dietary fibre and CVD risk factors. A significantly lower risk of both CVD and CHD was observed with every additional 7g per day of fibre consumed. Read »
05 Jul 2013 (bakery and snacks.com) Nutritionist Dr C. Ruxton: We've got this fiber crisis in the UK and EU. It's up to industry to include these things. ..read »
There's no evident reason not to use advanced oat fiber in breads
AOF Hafer-Ballaststoffe werten Brot und Backwaren auf
18 Apr 2013 (bakery and snacks.com) 'High fibre' continues its upward trend among the most popular global nutrition claims for bakery products, followed by 'gluten-free' ..read »
'Hoher Ballaststoffgehalt' zählt unter den nährwert- und gesundheitsbezogenen Angaben für Backprodukte zu den meist geschätzten Claims. Tendenz zunehmend, gefolgt von der Angabe 'glutenfrei' .. Newsletter »
zu den Ballaststoff-Seiten
check our fibre pages
01 Apr 2013 (NutritionHorizon) Research has shown that dietary fiber helps to reduce risk factors for stroke, including high blood pressure and high blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) "bad" cholesterol. ..read more / weiterlesen »
18 Jan 2013 (senior journal.com) » ..read the full article / zum Artikel
Nährwerte von Teff; Teff: unentbehrlich für Senioren
nutritional value of teff; healthy ageing and teff
13-Dec-2012 (food navigator.com) The use of prebiotic dietary fibres in food and drink products is growing rapidly. Consumers recognise fibre important for maintaining digestive health ..read the special fiber edition »
11-Dec-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) Food applications like bakery have been the main source of fiber for consumers. Market growth is driven by innovative products with increasing attention towards the health benefits of whole grains and a high fiber diet ..read the special fiber edition »
14-Aug-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) The health benefits of increased fibre consumption are well established... read on »
04-Jun-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) Adolescents who don't eat enough fiber tend to have bigger bellies and higher levels of inflammatory factors in their blood, both major risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes
..read full article / zum Artikel »
11-Jan-2012 (EurekAlert!) Consuming adequate quantities of DF can lead to improvements in gastrointestinal health, and reduction in susceptibility to diseases such as diverticular disease, heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes. Increased consumption has also been associated with increased satiety and weight loss ..read on »
Functionality of dietary fibres
Ballaststoffe: physiologische Wirkung
14-Dec-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Yet, less than one in 10 American adults and children get enough fiber in their diets, and most get about half the amount of fiber they need, as recommended by the Institute of Medicine ..read on »
Health impact of dietary fibres
Ballaststoffe: physiologische Wirkung
15-Nov-2011 (NUTRA ingredients.com) Food, drink and supplement makers across the European Union are free to make cholesterol-lowering health claims after an oat beta-glucan health claim passed into EU law books ..read on »
High Betaglucan Oat Bran BC-11: datasheet (pdf)
Betaglucan-reiche Haferspeisekleie BC-11: Produktinfo (pdf)
11-Nov-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Study: 3-fold increase in the number of children that had metabolic syndrome when the group of children receiving the least fiber was compared with the group receiving the most ..read on »
Dietary fibres: Health benefits and technical impact
Ballaststoffe: Gesundheit und technologische Wirkung
1-Nov-2011 C. Adams: Neutraceuticals World 11/2012, 28:
Functional fibers for foods and beverages to relieve from gastrointestinal disorders
Ballaststoffe für Nahrungsmittel und Getränke zur Heilung von Magen-/Darmleiden
25-Jul-2011 (food navigator.com) The addition of dietary fibres to pasta could offer health benefits without affecting the quality of final products, according to new research on durum wheat pasta [source: Food Chemistry] ..read on »
WHITE*STAR sensorily neutral functional dietary fibers for pasta extrusion
Funktionelle Ballaststoffe für die Herstellung von extrudierten Teigwaren.
Info-PDF: Hafer-Ballaststoff AOF 6000 für Teigwaren und Extrudate
Technical info (pdf): Oat Fibre AOF 6000 for Pasta and Extruded Foods
01-Jun-2011 R.A. Othman et al.: Nutrition Reviews 69/6, 299 (2011)
(doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2011.00401.x) ..abstract »
14-Apr-2011 (food navigator.com) Using insoluble fibre leads to enhanced nutritional quality of pasta, without affecting its sensory properties negatively [source: LWT - Food Science and Technology 44, 6-2011, 1429]..read on »
Oat Fibre AOF 6000 for Pasta and Extruded Foods (pdf)
Hafer-Ballaststoff AOF 6000 für Teigwaren und Extrudate (pdf)
23-Mar-2011 (Nutrition Horizon) Beneficial effect of dietary fiber may require a long period of time, and older adults may have already developed significant risk for heart disease before starting a high-fiber diet ..read on »
15-Feb-2011 (Wall Street Journal) Fill up on fiber each day and you may live a longer life. A study published in the current issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine suggests that people who eat a high-fiber diet may live longer than those who fail to get enough dietary fiber each day. Researchers specifically noted that dietary fiber from grains was significantly related to a lower risk of death from certain diseases ..read on »
14-Feb-2011 (Y. Park e.a.: Arch Intern Med. 10.1001/archinternmed.2011.18) Dietary fibre may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. Fiber-rich food choices more often provide significant health benefits ..full report »
Check for WHITE*STAR cereal fibre ingredients: dietary fibers, brans
02-Mar-2010 (ScienceDaily) Soluble fiber changes the personality of immune cells. They go from being pro-inflammatory to antiinflammatory, healing cells that help us recover faster from infection ..read on »
Joel Primack
We are responsible to care of the Earth since there is still time to solve some of our problems. The book satisfies our need for order and meaning in our world and in our lives.
& Nancy Abrams:
The View from the Center of
the Universe.
I'm not so interested in the past
but rather in the future, as there
I intend to live.
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