3 Dec 2013. FAO and Slow Food launch "Quinoa in the Kitchen"
Insight quinoa: Inspiration, facts and benefits »
20 Dec 2013 (EurekAlert!). Many studies have examined the relation between dietary fibre and CVD risk factors. A significantly lower risk of both CVD and CHD was observed with every additional 7g per day of fibre consumed. Read »
15 Nov 2013 (food navigator.com). Whole grain barley is high in antioxidants, protein, vitamins and minerals, and especially in the soluble fiber beta-glucan. It has the nutritional profile, cost and versatility that should catapult into the realm of super grains like quinoa and kamut. Read »
02 Oct 2013 (NutritionHorizon). Many bioactive compounds in oats and oat products provide health benefits. Read »
23 Sep 2013 (NutritionHorizon). Although up to 80% of Type 2 cases (complications of diabetes are blindness, heart attacks, amputation and stroke) could be prevented through lifestyle changes, the majority of people are not aware about its consequences ..read »
Teff: Slim Fast carbs and low glycemic load
Schlank mit Teff
20 Sep 2013 (food navigator.com) International Congress of Nutrition (ICN), Granada Spain: the NU-AGE project, with funding from the EU, conducted studies with the aim of functional foods for healthier diets for an ageing population ..read »
physiology of dietary fibres
Ballaststoffe - Physiologie Teff for healthy ageing
gesund Altern mit Teff
24-Jul-2013 Use of amaranth, quinoa and kañiwa in extruded snacks with improved expansion and softness
(J.M.R. Diaz e.a.: J. Cereal Science 58, 1, 59 - doi: 10.1016/j.jcs.2013.04.003) ..research report »
05 Jul 2013 (bakery and snacks.com) Nutritionist Dr C. Ruxton: We've got this fiber crisis in the UK and EU. It's up to industry to include these things. ..read »
There's no evident reason not to use advanced oat fiber in breads
AOF Hafer-Ballaststoffe werten Brot und Backwaren auf
27 Jun 2013 (NutritionHorizon) Highly processed carbohydrates can cause excess hunger and stimulate brain regions involved in reward and cravings ..read »
SlimFast carbs of teff with low glycemic load
Kohlenhydrate in Teff mit niedrigem GI
02 May 2013 (NutritionHorizon) The most popular healthy-aging-related claims for food and drink products concern digestive/gut health, energy/alertness, heart health and immune health (R. Wyers, Innova Market Insights) ..read »
how dietary fibres contribute
AOF-Ballaststoffe und Health Claims Teff for healthy ageing
Gesundes Altern mit Teff
18 Apr 2013 (bakery and snacks.com) 'High fibre' continues its upward trend among the most popular global nutrition claims for bakery products, followed by 'gluten-free' ..read »
'Hoher Ballaststoffgehalt' zählt unter den nährwert- und gesundheitsbezogenen Angaben für Backprodukte zu den meist geschätzten Claims. Tendenz zunehmend, gefolgt von der Angabe 'glutenfrei' .. Newsletter »
zu den Ballaststoff-Seiten
check our fibre pages
18 Apr 2013 (bakery and snacks.com) 20% of Western Europe's population is aged over 60, meaning clear opportunities for health claims in brain health and memory along with bone and joint health. EFSA has passed 15 related claims for ingredients ..read »
17 Apr 2013 (Food Ingredients first) Research studies show that diets rich in cereal grains, such as millet (teff), can be protective against degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. They are reported to lower the incidence of esophageal cancer. Because they can be used as a natural source of antioxidants, millets make a great nutraceutical and functional food ingredient in health promotion and disease risk reduction ..read »
Teff - nutritional values and health impact
Teff - Nährstoffe und Gesundheit
11 Apr 2013 E.V. Johansson et al.: Nutritional Journal 2013, 12:46
BAREX Gerstenextrakt - barley extract
01 Apr 2013 (NutritionHorizon) Research has shown that dietary fiber helps to reduce risk factors for stroke, including high blood pressure and high blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) "bad" cholesterol. ..read more / weiterlesen »
27 Feb 2013 (Nutrtion Horizon) Women at risk for PMS should make sure they are meeting the RDA for non-heme iron and zinc> ..read »
Teff enthält überduchschnittlich viel Eisen und Zink
Teff is surpassingly high in iron and zinc
21 Jan 2013 (Nutrition Horizon) If the bacteria in the intestine become unbalanced, inflammation and damage can occur. Wrong intestinal bacteria can trigger Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis and the liver becomes damaged ..read on »
Wie Ballaststoffe die Darmflora positiv beeinflussen
The positive impact of dietary fibre on the intestinal flora
18 Jan 2013 (senior journal.com) » ..read the full article / zum Artikel
Nährwerte von Teff; Teff: unentbehrlich für Senioren
nutritional value of teff; healthy ageing and teff
13-Dec-2012 (food navigator.com) The use of prebiotic dietary fibres in food and drink products is growing rapidly. Consumers recognise fibre important for maintaining digestive health ..read the special fiber edition »
11-Dec-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) Food applications like bakery have been the main source of fiber for consumers. Market growth is driven by innovative products with increasing attention towards the health benefits of whole grains and a high fiber diet ..read the special fiber edition »
11-Dec-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) ... dedicated to the effects of barley on health and its potential as a functional food ..read on »
06-Dec-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) The bioactive components of rice bran promote the function of healthy cells while inhibiting the function of cancer cells ..read on »
White*Star: Reiskleie / rice bran
05-Dec-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) Heart healthy bread from whole grain oats could help industry create a new area of functional bread products backed by EU health claims. » Read article and dissertation L. Flander
30-Nov-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) Dr. G. Pierce: The largest decrease in blood pressure ever shown by any dietary intervention could reduce the incidence of heart attack and stroke by 50 per cent in people with hypertension ..read more »
06-Nov-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) Fortified breads, snacks and cereals targeting mental health in older consumers is an avenue of opportunity ..read on »
Teff for healthy ageing
Teff: gesund älter werden
21-Aug-2012 (bakery and snacks.com). ..read full article / zum Artikel »
White*Star buckwheat flour and flakes - Buchweizenmehle & -flocken
14-Aug-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) The health benefits of increased fibre consumption are well established... read on »
06-Jul-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) Functional biscuit from the ancient cereal teff flour claimed to be suited to celiac patients and sportsmen
..proceed with publication / zum Artikel »
03-Jul-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) Snowballing gluten-free trend holds extensive opportunities: Tasty innovations - emergent openings ..read »
04-Jun-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) Adolescents who don't eat enough fiber tend to have bigger bellies and higher levels of inflammatory factors in their blood, both major risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes
..read full article / zum Artikel »
14-Mar-2012 (Nutrition Horizon) Elevated blood pressure or hypertension is a major risk factor for mortality from cardiovascular and renal disease. Causes of hypertension include smoking, sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in sodium and an inadequate intake of other minerals such as potassium, calcium and magnesium ..read on »
41% of our daily magnesium demand is covered by 100 g teff
100 g Teff deckt 41% unseres täglichen Magnesiumbedarfs
20-Jan-2012 (bakery and snacks.com) The New Zealand research team found that replacing traditional flours could lower carbohydrate digestibility and compared the alternative products with products made of traditional flours:
Similar expansion ratio - similar texture - lower hydration - higher density.
..read on »
17-Jan-2012 (food navigator.com) The study - published in the Journal of Nutrition - reports that diet rich in slowly digested carbohydrates significantly reduces markers of inflammation associated with chronic disease. The research also suggests that such a diet increases levels of the hormone adiponectin, which helps to regulate the metabolism of fat and sugar ..read on »
read about the slimfast carbs in teff
über die langsam verfügbare und prebiotische Energie durch Teff
11-Jan-2012 (EurekAlert!) Consuming adequate quantities of DF can lead to improvements in gastrointestinal health, and reduction in susceptibility to diseases such as diverticular disease, heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes. Increased consumption has also been associated with increased satiety and weight loss ..read on »
Functionality of dietary fibres
Ballaststoffe: physiologische Wirkung
Joel Primack
We are responsible to care of the Earth since there is still time to solve some of our problems. The book satisfies our need for order and meaning in our world and in our lives.
& Nancy Abrams:
The View from the Center of
the Universe.
I'm not so interested in the past
but rather in the future, as there
I intend to live.
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